245 Aerial photos from Germany
from: Baden-Württemberg | Bavaria | Berlin | Brandenburg | Hessen | Mecklenburg-Westpommerania | Niedersachsen | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Rheinland-Pfalz | Saxony | Saxony-Anhalt | Thuringia |
This Mill near Saalow in Brandenburg is a ''Paltrock'' mill from the 19th century. It was first erected in Berlin and moved in 1903 to Saalow. A ''Paltrock''-mill is a mill where the whole building is pivot-mounted.
Picture taken 5.8.2007 -
aerial photo #0012-0495
Königstein Fortress is a unique witness of European
architecture. Over 750 years formed the fortress
to an ensemble of European architectural styles.
The fortress was first mentioned in 1241 under
King Wenzel I of Bohemia. From 1491 until 1922 it
was used as a prison.
Picture taken 24.7.2005 -
aerial photo #0005-0072
This soccer field was designed for the Soccer World
Championship 2006 in Germany. The field was planted
with patterns of poppy seed forming a soccer ball. In the background the Kyffhäuser Monument.
Picture taken 23.6.2006 -
aerial photo #0008-0382