493 Aerial photos
The Royal Palasce of Blois was residence of numerous French Kings. Here French history took place. Caterine de Medicis poison chambers are amongs the highlights during a visitor tour.
Picture taken 12.8.2006 -
aerial photo #0009-0120
Los Roques - Venezuelas paradise with its crystalblue water and white sands.
Picture taken 12.10.2006 -
aerial photo #0011-0310
Königstein Fortress is a unique witness of European
architecture. Over 750 years formed the fortress
to an ensemble of European architectural styles.
The fortress was first mentioned in 1241 under
King Wenzel I of Bohemia. From 1491 until 1922 it
was used as a prison.
Picture taken 24.7.2005 -
aerial photo #0005-0072