493 Aerial photos
Stolzenfels castle was built in the 13th century, was destroyed in 1689 and
rebuilt as an royal castle by Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia in 1826.
Picture taken 1.5.2007 -
aerial photo #0011-1091
The Imperial Cathedral of Speyer is the most important and oldest roman sacral building in Europe. In 1030 emporer Konrad II started to build this church, where 7 German Emperors and Kings have their last resting-place. The cathedral of Speyer became UNESCO world heritage in 1981.
Picture taken 1.5.2007 -
aerial photo #0011-1197
The ''Affensteine'' (engl. monkey stones) are popular
with German and international free climbers.
Picture taken 24.7.2005 -
aerial photo #0005-0087