493 Aerial photos
Fort Nuova is the old royal castle of the family Anjou. It is located at Naples Harbour. Its 3 dark towers were built from lava stones of Mount Vesuvius.
Picture taken 24.4.2006 -
aerial photo #0007-0086
Thermal lift above the grilled sausages, at least the crane was removed before landing.
Picture taken 12.6.2005 -
aerial photo #0003-0245
Volcano Stromboli is one of the most active volcanos
on earth. Nonstop gas explosions throw lava over the
crater rim. Big eruptions are seldom. The volcano
island rises 3000m above the Thyrrenian Sea.
Despite the constant volcanic activities the Stromboli island is populated.
Picture taken 25.4.2006 -
aerial photo #0007-0138