493 Aerial photos
The Berlin quarter ''Märkisches Viertel'' and the museal train ''Heidekrautbahn''
Picture taken 30.10.2005 -
aerial photo #0005-0327
The Phlegrean Fields cover an area of 150 sqkm
around Naples. Volcanic craters are evidences of the volcanic activity in this region.
Picture taken 1.5.2006 -
aerial photo #0007-0565
The legislative buildings at the Spreebogen, including the ''Reichstag'' and the ''Bundeskanzleramt''. The Reichstag was built between 1884-1894 after plans of Paul Wallot. The term
Reichstag goes back to the Parliament of the Holy Roman Empire.
Picture taken 8.5.2005 -
aerial photo #0003-0102