13 Aerial photos from Nordrhein-Westfalen:
from: Bad Godesberg | Bergisches Land | Bonn | Köln |
The Cologne Cathedral (officially: Hohe Domkirche St. Peter und Maria) is adminstered bz the Roman Catholic Church. It is one of the most important monuments
of Christianity.
Picture taken 1.5.2007 -
aerial photo #0011-1039
During the reformation time Colognes Archbishop Gebhard von Waldburg invalidated the Peace of Augsburg because he married Agnes von Mansfeld and converted to Calvinism. He was impeached and barricaded in Godesburg castle.
Picture taken 1.5.2007 -
aerial photo #0011-1073
Cologne Cathedral is the third largest church in the world and one of the best known architectural monuments in Germany. Construction of the Gothic church began in 1248 and took with interruptions until 1880. On of the treasures of the Cologne Cathedral is the shrine of the Three Kings. The sarcophagus from the 13th century contains the remains of the Three Wise Men and is one of the largest reliquaries in the world.
Picture taken 1.5.2007 -
aerial photo #0011-1045